About Us

Because we have over 25 years of experience and our attention to detail and work ethic is unequaled.

Redpaw Tree Service & Land Management brings a unique blend of modern-day resources to an old-fashioned trade. Not much has changed in the form of land maintenance over the years, it’s still important to have work ethic, pride in your work, dependability, timeliness, and a fair price for fair trade sealed on a handshake, backed in writing… At Redpaw Tree Service & Land Management, that’s exactly what you’ll get, but you get the convenience of online scheduling, live and responsive online service representatives who can quickly dispatch a job for you as needed, the convenience of being able to upload information about a project you’re wanting to take on so you can receive a real-time estimate, scheduling and securing date and time with the press of a button. Automated estimates, invoices, billing & more. Get the peace of mind that our PRICE LOCK guarantee will protect you from price vultures who will start a job based on one amount of money and will not finish it unless you come up with an entirely new amount. That does not happen here and our PRICE LOCK guarantees that you can have peace of mind when we agree on a price for that specific job, that’s what it’ll be.

So price, performance, and we think best of all, our workers share in the success of our company, we believe that the best part of our legacy is providing a platform for great laborers of all backgrounds from all over the world to have an opportunity to move up through our system and share in the rewards of a job well done. We believe that reflects from us to the customer, it reflects in the work we leave behind, and it reflects in the end results. So we want to serve our business by serving those who work for us while serving our customers at a level of effectiveness not to be matched by competitors.